台灣 6 大學習平台分析

1、Hahow 最有趣的線上學習平台                                                                                課程較多元,單次或募資課程,費用1,000-2,500元 / 堂。

2、Udemy 課程數量最多的線上學習平台                                                                                  中文授課內容不多,建議考量個人的英文程度,單次或募資課程,費用670-3,000元 / 堂。

3、Coursera 使用人數最多的線上學習平台                                                                               2023年註冊會員已達 2,200萬,推持續想進修或為履歷加分,單次或募資課程,費用1,400-2,300元 /

4、Yotta 台灣人設計的線上與線下學習平台                                                                           課程分為商業設計、科技、語言、生活五大類,單次、募資、實體課程,費用2,000-3,000元 /

5、Tibame 主打提升工作技能的線上學習平台。                                                                         課程主要將知識與技能應用在工作實務上,以線上、實體與真人直播單次購買,費用2,000-3,000元 /

6、SAT.knowlege 2019 新創的線上學習平台                                                                           以語言、身心健康、職場技能、設計創作、藝術生活,單次購影片、專欄、音頻,費用3,000-12,000元 / 堂。

 為什麼選擇我們 Why choose us


When everyone is seeking new paradigms for "learning," what truly constitutes the essence of learning? In the future of education, Qiguo Education aims to help stimulate children's motivation and interest in learning. In other words, what we discuss here is not just creativity but a reevaluation of the essence of learning and the priorities of school education.We are committed to transforming the learning experience for all children, cultivating talents that are geared towards "creating jobs" rather than just "finding jobs."

我們做什麼 What we do 


Qiguo Education primarily offers courses for children, adolescents, educators, and practitioners, placing "learning connotation and cultivation" at the core of education, with "creativity" following closely behind. Our aim is to narrow the learning achievement gap. Our approach is built around the need for positive and sustainable change in learning and teaching as well as the creation of a critical mass of trained and inspiring creative practitioners.

齊果教育目的 Why we do


We believe that creative learning, when combined with good character, can transform the lives of young people from all backgrounds around the world. We believe that the best creative practice supports children as they learn, live and prepare for the world of work.

我是誰 Who we are

我們是致力於改變世界各地弱勢群體兒童和青少年的學習體驗的教育家, 運用品格教育的輸入來結合創造力的輸出,透過支持教育工作者在生活中的信心和能力,釋放他們成就、成就和福祉的潛力。

We are educational practitioners dedicated to transforming the learning experiences of children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds across the world. We integrate the input of character education with the output of creativity to unlock their potential for achievement, attainment and well-being by supporting the confidence and capability of the educators in their lives.

課程特色 Special Features of the Curriculum

品格啟蒙 Character Enlightenment


Through engaging educational content and service activities, we guide children to recognize different character traits and learn how to practice them in their daily lives.

藝術創意 Art of Learning


Utilizing diverse artistic forms such as painting, handicrafts, and music, we inspire children's imagination and cultivate their creative thinking.

問題處理 Problem Solving    


Through challenging and collaborative games, as well as camp experiences, we foster children's problem-solving abilities and encourage them to bravely face challenges.

專欄 Special column



臺北市中山區中山北路三段181號 10461

